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Industry downturn -- the transformation of local clothing brands accelerated
By observing the recent capital operation and brand strategy dynamics of local apparel enterprises, it is not hard to find that many apparel enterprises are accelerating the pace of transformation and upgrading.

Youngor refocused on the clothing industry

Was established youngor 40th anniversary this year, on April 30, youngor published on the announcement of the strategic adjustment of investment, the announcement said that in order to achieve the value maximization goal, the company intends to development strategy to make major changes, the future will further focus on the development of the clothing business, in addition to the strategic investment and continue to perform the promise, the company will no longer conduct noncore areas of financial equity investments, and waited for the treatment of both financial and equity investment projects. And in the shareholders' meeting on May 20, youngor chairman li rucheng once again expressed the plan to return to the clothing industry. This also means that youngor's 11-year implementation of the "three carriages" (clothing, real estate, investment) development strategy in this year completely ended, investment business will be divestered, youngor will re-focus on the main industry of clothing, real estate as the only sideline.

Vignas changed its name to jinhong group

On May 22, vignas issued a notice that, in order to improve the corporate image, demonstrate the strength of the company, integrate resources, and further expand the company's scale to enhance the overall competitiveness of the group, the company name is planned to change and set up a group company, at the same time to change the securities abbreviation of the company. Ludwig na silk fashion co., Ltd. Will the company Chinese name changed to "jin acquisitive fashion group co., Ltd.", English name changed to "JinhongFashionGroupCo., Ltd.", the company securities referred to the corresponding change to "jin wu group", the company stock code 603518 remains unchanged. And on the same day, Ludwig Nancy also released about the change of business scope and change the announcement of the company's articles of association, in addition to retain the original design production and development of clothing, apparel, accessories sales, increase the equity investment, technical services, enterprise management service and consulting, information technology services, cultural creativity, self-supporting and agent all kinds of goods and technology import and export business, etc.

GXG landing hkex

On May 28, domestic men's wear GXG officially landed in Hong Kong stock exchange, the stock code is Moushang group was founded in 2007. In addition to the core brand GXG, the group also operates five brands including GXG Geans, GXG Kids, Yatlas and 2XU. GXG is the largest performance engine of the group. GXG received investment in 2016 from LVMH's L Catterton Asia fund, which invested a total of RMB 4 billion to buy 70% of its shares, making it the largest controlling shareholder. By the end of 2018, moshang group had 2,250 retail outlets nationwide, including 720 self-operated stores, 532 partnership stores and 998 outlets, which were merged into third-party e-commerce platforms such as Tmall, WeChat small program and Vipshop. Since the launch of the VIP membership program in 2009, the total membership of the group has reached 11.2 million.

Li ning started guangxi supply base

On May 22, the guangxi supply base invested by li ning group was officially launched. This is the first time that li ning has set up its own factory in the upstream production and manufacturing of sporting goods supply chain since its establishment nearly 30 years ago. The base involves r&d and manufacturing of raw materials, sports shoes and sportswear. Previously, li ning's supply chain had long relied on outsourcing. At present, the specific progress of the nanning supply chain base of li ning, annual output of 5 million pairs of sports shoes project has been signed, follow-up including clothes, equipment, luggage and other production lines will also be put online. Li ning's goal is for the nanning plant to account for one-third of the group's capacity in the future, with the rest continuing to seek outside suppliers.

Heilan house is entering the Japanese market

Heilan house has opened its first store in Japan at aeon montaleo in Tokyo, marking the brand's first entry into the Japanese market. It is reported that heilan house will open 3 new stores in Japan this year. Since last year, heilan house has further accelerated its overseas market expansion, opening stores in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Last may, HLA heilan opened its first shop in Singapore, and in August it opened its first Thai store in Bangkok. In the next three years, heilan house will continue to set up shop in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, and gradually realize the strategic goal of "new Malaysia and Thailand" to comprehensively enter southeast Asia, go out of Asia and walk towards the world.

ABC Kids is entering the us market

After 35 years of growth, ABC Kids, a Chinese children's wear brand, plans to take the first step in its international expansion, selling a range of colorful shoes in bulk to high-end department stores and specialty boutiques in the us, as well as to some us e-commerce platforms. ABC Kids brand is a children's clothing brand owned by qippc, which is committed to providing children aged 3 to 13 with a full range of clothing and footwear products with diverse styles. By the end of 2018, ABC Kids had 2,397 stores in China, including 23 direct stores and 2,374 distribution stores.

Sanfu outdoor has reached a strategic cooperation with x-bionic

On May 26, sanfu outdoor signed a strategic cooperation contract with x-bionic AG, making sanfu outdoor the only strategic partner of x-bionic in China. X-bionic AG is registered in Switzerland. The brand of x-bionic is an internationally renowned technology, fashion and sports brand. It focuses on the design and development of high-tech sports products. The two sides will establish product research and development center and natural bionics design, to build one, digital, new technology fashion retail system, common design research and development of high-tech high-quality fashion products, at the same time, X - all BIONIC technology, patents, brand, products and other resources will be sent to you by three outdoor landing the Chinese market.

Transformation and upgrading of apparel enterprises accelerated

In the context of complex external environment, slowing economic growth and overall downturn in the shoe and clothing industry, many apparel enterprises are facing various problems such as declining performance and industry reshuffle. Reform, innovation, transformation and upgrading are not an optional option for every clothing enterprise, but a must-answer question concerning the survival of the enterprise.

Observe local clothing company in the near future some of the capital operation and brand strategy of dynamic, youngor cut investment business to focus on clothing business, Ludwig Nancy renamed and expand the scope of business, of men's clothing brand started to Tmall GXG on hkex, li ning to start upstream production supply base in guangxi into supply chain link, the sea as the rings, the ABC Kids into the international market, to speed up the internationalization of the brand and three outdoor reached a strategic cooperation with international sports brands,... All the signs fully indicate that in the process of development, adjustment and recovery, many apparel enterprises are looking for new breakthroughs in performance growth while consolidating their main businesses and markets, constantly penetrating into new markets and fields, and accelerating the pace of transformation and upgrading.

Obviously, transformation and upgrading is not a new word. In recent years, many clothing enterprises through transformation of continuous adjustment, is or has been gradually find suits own development model and development direction, by upping the hot industry, explore new industry module, concentrated integrate the advantage resources and promote the online channel layout, investment diversified economy, accelerate the process of internationalization, etc., to find and add new profit source. But garment industry and the path of transformation and upgrading of enterprises, more still need based on clothing main industry change, need to look for can meet the demand of times and industry law of development of new pattern, the new value, also need to constantly together its own advantage resources and core business, make capital and more valuable project docking, and more effective business model, so as to promote enterprise enhance intrinsic value, bigger and stronger.

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